Health is the most important asset one can have in their life. In that mental health is utmost important. This health signifies ones emotion, state of being and thought process. We as human frequently avoid our mental health. So with these ways one can improve their health and can avoid long term problems like depression, anxiety.

1. Physical activity:

We should give minimum 30 minutes daily for fitness through for gym, walking, running and other sorts of  activities through which our body sweat and reduce our calories. Exercise is a subcategory of physical activity that is planned, structured, repetitive, and purposeful in the sense that the improvement or maintenance of one or more components of physical fitness is the objective. Regular physical activity is known to improve health, and reduce an individual’s risk of chronic diseases and death.

2. Proper diet:

Always take proper diet which includes all essential minerals. Consume meals at proper time on daily basis and avoid taking junk foods. Good diet will promote good thought process and improves mental well being. Also keep in mind this onsuming a healthy diet throughout the life-course helps to prevent malnutrition in all its forms as well as a range of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) and conditions.

However, increased production of processed foods, rapid urbanization and changing lifestyles have led to a shift in dietary patterns. People are now consuming more foods high in energy, fats, free sugars and salt/sodium, and many people do not eat enough fruit, vegetables and other dietary fibre such as whole grains.


3. Soundful Sleep:

Try to take 7-8 hours daily sleep specially at night. Avoid becoming night owl and improve brain. A good nap in between stressful day could also help ones mind and refresh it. It could be done by following certain steps given below :

Develop your bedtime routine at least an hour before bed. Try to stop work before preparing to go to bed, reduce screen time, meditate well, or go for good breathing practice. These techniques allow us to relax and help our circadian rhythm take control by releasing hormones that will promote sleep and reduce alertness.

· Proper exercise: Both aerobic and resistance exercises have been shown to have positive effects on the sleeping pattern. It is best to avoid vigorous exercise at night or one hour before bedtime as this may reduce our sleep duration, quality and make it more difficult to fall asleep in the first place.

· Avoid caffeinated beverage post 7 pm. However, we all respond differently to caffeine consumption because caffeine is a known stimulant to make us active and keep awake. So when trying to fix your sleep pattern, it may be best to limit caffeine intake after 7 pm.



4. Build good social capital:

Always in touch with your family members and friends. Do not hesitate in sharing your good and bad days with them. This will help your mental peace and you will be joyful towards yourself. It is good attitude for everyone if followed with giving more importance it will give you a chance to live life fullest. There are many people in the world if they do a good social bonding then it will be a good idea for that person hence everybody should work on building a social capital.



5. Not too harsh for oneself:  

Never put pressure on oneself when you unable to meet targets and responsibilities. Put efforts and forget about results because always expecting good things will have negative impact on your mental peace. This will destroy your life future and life in the moment you are living. Being too harsh is bad thing and should avoid it at any cost if one want to life peacefully.


6. Stop Overthinking:

Not always care what others will say and make judgement about you. Overthinking kills your good mind and leave a long term stain like anxiety, depression, negativity etc. Overthinking is an unhealthy habit that typically causes more stress by focusing on the negative, dwelling on the past and worrying about the future. Instead of problem-solving, you ruminate on an issue without coming up with logical solutions. It’s almost like a broken record of negativity that replays repeatedly in your head.

Mental health

All these pointers are given on the basis of personal experience. If one has major mental health issue one should never hesitates in consulting with doctors and counsellors. Human life is very important one should live your life at fullest without any worries. And in that mental health plays a major role one should not avoid that in long run.

Thank you for reading this. Stay healthy stay strong.




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