Nowadays, people have become so overpowered by their thoughts they are getting some of the major complications in their life. In that overthinking is the most common problem. Being experienced the same and hearing about it from my friends I am writing this article to help you out there and give some of the good practical remedy which has been tried and tested. Before that we have to know exactly about that and the root cause of overthinking.
Overthinking is the excessive digging of the particular thought, situation, problem, occasion which have not happened yet. It is that condition in which person play more heed to that thing which is not his under control. The overthinking is that parasite which eats you and leave you behind with mental drain, emotionally weak an certain other mental health related issues which you have heard often. In this person thinks only worst case outcomes of the given problem and remain stuck in this endless loop of thought process or mental matrix.
- Not at ease: person in this situation has no chill he feel like some heavy rock is moving inside his brain. He/she cannot find a place inside themselves to become calm and relax.
- Feeling exhausted every time even in doing small work except thinking that about particular problem all other work seems like herculean task.
- Not living in present moment riding on the horses of future, like building castles in the air.
- Isolation is the real peace for those who overthinks because they fear if they get involved with others they will spit about the thinks they are worry about.
- Trigger like rocket during missile launch they cannot digest the things spoken about their conditions and also about the problem they are thinking.
- Overprotective, over assumptions about the things which are spoken and talked about them. Activities they do like instant reaction, eavesdrop if they get bit hint that discussion is going on is related to their problem.
- Fear of loosing the things it may be relation, people, money, power, fame and every other thing which they are overthinking. For example student overthinks before examination, “what if he fails, he will loose the studious image he had among his family and friends.”
- Excessive importance to the situation and worrying about the worst case scenario which will not happened yet is also one of the important cause.
- The environment and group he is living which makes him think about the only worst possible to the situation. It may be due to bad parenting or the person himself was under bad company. For example a small child gets scolds and taunts repeatedly on regular basis from his parent that ,”if he will not study what he will become tomorrow”, this particular scenario could onboard the train overthinking. for lifetime.
- Having low faith and confidence on yourself and the work you are doing. Person who is often confused is the most trapped in the loop of overthinking.
- Over expectation from oneself that you are perfect and perfect things should happen to you is the worst feeling which causes you to overthink. This Godly nature of yours will always pull your leg in the web of overthinking world.
- A person with no plan B or option also faces this consequence. The person with attitude of “this thing or nothing”, will suffer from the complications of overthinking.
There are number of ways to cope up with the problem of overthinking. They can be solved at various stages, my solution is for initial and mid phase of problem of overthinking. The person who has anxiety, depression related issue they should immediately consult with their family and doctor for the problem. The solutions areas follows:
- Do whatever things in your life but more focus on present because if you will do well in present then there will be less problem in future. Keep in your mind from today you have only this moment and nothing less so do now think less.
- Live in good ambience meaning around the people full of positivity and those things give you positivity to your thought process as well.
- Yoga is the key to your locked brain in which meditation is the nectar which you have to suck. It can possible from toady itself if you start meditating for few minutes from the vary moment.
- Physical activity will also boost your brain cells with positivity and reduce the weight of overthinking from you. In this one can try walking, running, playing sports, gym, dancing and other activities which squeezes your negative static energy.
- If you are spiritual then you can follow your holy books, visit the holy places and do some social service there. This will make you feel happy and also put break on your future worries.
- One last thing one should always remember we are human being with no super powers hence we aren’t so much capable to do everything so just relax and let it be I will face all the things which come to me.
Though overthinking is the bad for health but if you are responsible enough then you will have some small-small worries in your life which is very common and normal. But the situation of chronic overthinking is dangerous could cause long term mental health complications so reduce it.
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