How to achieve success in 30 days?

If you want success in short span of time then you are at the right place. In this article I will not only tell the ways to achieve success but also give you practical tips for it. For that we need to understand the meaning of success and other things related to it.

What is Success?

It is that thing which provide positive value addition towards our life. It is beyond the wealth, job, fame and materialistic thing which we desire for. Meaning of success differs from person to person according to the situation and time period. For example, for student passing exam is success, for employees salary increment, for businessman profit etc.

One can easily achieve anything in life, but for that person have desire and the dedication to follow the path for that desire. By doing this simple step one could easily reach their destination of success. But we are human we start something with high moral, but we slowly loose our hold and eventually diverted from the road to success. Hence, I have devised some steps, if followed diligently then every goal will be reachable.

Tips to achieve success in 30 days

  • Identify your goal : this is first as well hard step because in this we have to choose the things according to our capabilities. This require self-awareness and decision making ability. For this on use SMART technique e.g. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound, to decide the target and be specific about it.
  • Blueprint for 30 days : for that one can divide the thirty days into weeks. Set time table on weekly and daily basis, prioritize the work, make note of the task achieved and create feedback mechanism to judge the time consumed in doing the particular task.
  • Have a success oriented mindset : one should believe in yourself, have positive and hopeful mindset towards the goal you identified and working for. You can also use the self-visualization technique e.g. imagining the thing one want to achieve, this will boost your confidence and increase focus.
  • Be habitual to success : in this person should start with small task, doing one thing at a time and by sticking towards the blueprint made by him. These are small-small habits which will help in getting your big goals.
  • Ensure accountability : yes if you want to achieve something big you have to be accountable towards your work. It could be ensured via completing assigned task on time, being truthful to self.
  • Face the storm with resilience : meaning one should be firm towards the problem coming towards the path of success. Also avoid distractions which has potential to derail you from the platform.
  • Stay healthy : being healthy meaning physically as well as mentally along with have a peace of mind. For this you should add yoga, exercise in you routine as it will boost your productivity, which will help in achieving the goal.
  • Build high rise building : yes you should take 30 day action plan as foundation and over that a long term strategy should be built. This methodology will also help in achieving long term success in your future endeavors.
  • Use utility tools : one can use applications like google calendar, sticky notes and other to make the best use of your time and optimize towards your goal.


I know you all are capable in achieving anything in your life. So, what are you waiting for, take the first step form today itself. Apply the tips which I have mentioned in your life and share the results with me in comment box. Also leave a comment telling what do you want to achieve in thirty day and from when you are starting the work to achieve the success which you are aspiring for.

Stay focused, motivated, healthy and keep on hustling towards achieving the success you want to achieve in your life.


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