How To Overcome Laziness ?

Alex used to daily woke up in the afternoon, by seeing his routine his brother asked, ” aren’t you feel ashamed of being full of laziness?” He replied, “its not laziness my brother, I daily think some magic will happen and I will start doing hard work and quit laziness.” So most of us are like Alex who is waiting for the super powers will come to help us, sadly its not like that in reality girls and boys. I will tell you the right way to overcome through this article so keep reading till the end.

What is Laziness ?

The feeling of un-seriousness towards our day to day task could be defined as laziness. It is not any disorder, but its feeling to delaying the things on daily basis. For example you think every night that from next morning you will start doing exercise but you won’t and delay further. This is is not permanent habit, one can overcome with by following certain strategy and steps. If you follow the steps given in this article you will get some positive results from today only.

Understanding Laziness: Why Do We Feel Lazy ?

Laziness is often misunderstood. People assume it is just about being unwilling to work, but it’s deeper than that. Here are some common reasons why we feel lazy, which I have seen in me and across the people who were suffered or are suffering from laziness in their life. These are:

  • Lack of Motivation: meaning one who is fan of Avenger series, queue up outside cinema hall early in the morning. But when asked for morning walk he give excuses, this shows how your motivation decides your laziness.
  • Habit of Procrastination: we become so habitual in delaying things which makes tough to break this cycle of laziness.
  • Lack of Energy: in this fast moving world we do not take our diet seriously which makes our health so poor that in doing small task we get fatigue which is breeding ground for laziness.
  • Overthinking: before start doing small work we think so much that make us lazy. The menace of overthinking stops us most of the time. For more understanding one can see this article on OVERTHINKING THE ENDLESS LOOP
  • Fear of Failure: Sometimes, we avoid tasks because we fear we won’t do them well.
  • We get Overwhelmed: Too many tasks at once can make us feel paralyzed, leading to inaction. In this situation our brain cells confused what to do first and at the end we don’t do anything.



How to Overcome Laziness: Step by Step Guidance

There are many ways to overcome it by my experience and seeing people around me I have devised the following guide to overcome this problem. Some of the advices are below:

  • Set Clear Goals: Without clear goals, the mind tends to wander. When you don’t know what to do, laziness takes over. For example, if you have to study, instead of saying, “I need to study,” set a specific goal: “I will complete two chapters of history by 5 PM.”
  • Break Tasks into Smaller Parts: Big tasks can feel overwhelming. Breaking them into smaller steps makes them more manageable and reduces the urge to procrastinate. For example if you want to write a report, break it into following heads : research the topic, create an outline and so on.
  • Use the 5-Minute Rule: Tell yourself, “I will do this task for just five minutes.” Often, starting is the hardest part. Once you begin, you’ll likely continue working beyond five minutes.
  • Remove Distractions: Distractions make laziness worse. Identify what pulls your attention away and eliminate it. For example remove your phone away from your bed or study table.
  • Follow a routine: Consistency helps fight laziness. A daily routine conditions your brain to follow a productive path. For example wake up at the same time each day, allocate fixed hours for work or study, and maintain regular meal and sleep schedules.
  • Have positive atmosphere around you: the people around us influence our habits. Being around energetic and motivated individuals can inspire you to be the same.
  • Reward Yourself: giving yourself a reward after completing tasks creates positive reinforcement. For example after finishing an assignment, treat yourself to a favorite snack or an episode of your favorite show.
  • Health is Wealth: physical and mental health play a huge role in energy levels and motivation. You can do so via healthy diet, exercise daily, sound sleep etc.
  • Peaceful Mind: you should keep your mind cool for this you can read this nice article  Peace of Mind
  • Believe in yourself: meaning you should have faith in you that you can do the work in best possible way. You can also refer this article for better understanding Believe in Yourself

Way Forward

Laziness is not a curse, it’s a habit that can be broken. By understanding why we feel lazy and taking small, consistent actions we can overcome it. Start small, stay consistent and remember that every step forward is progress. Keep hustling in your life my friends because it shows that you are alive and happening.

What is the first step you will take today to beat laziness?

Share your steps  in the comments and feel free to share this article with your close ones. Whom do you care, because sharing is caring.

Such topics on laziness are not present on internet, in such simple way. So I suggest you to read and internalize it, as it will not reduce your laziness, but also boost your productivity.



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