Maggi Recipe Street Style Vegetable Best Tasty Noodles.

We love eating food but Maggi has an emotion. The memory attached with this food stand it away from others and this is what it makes special and tasty. We have enjoyed eating Maggi at our homes, with our siblings we were at fight for every bit of it, later we enjoyed with our hostel mates at mid night, at hill station, near oceans and many more places where one can think of.

Best Vegetable Maggi


There are various ways of making it we can try any type of it be it egg or cheese or boiled one two minutes Maggi. But here I am going to give unique recipe which you have never tried and if you try I bet you will get whole new taste of it. This process of making will take approximately 15 to 20 minutes but the taste you will get will be out of this world. So let start making it step by step:


                                             STEPS TO BE FOLLOWED

1. Maggi packets: you need three packets of noodles with its tastemaker inside which is the king of Maggi. It is made of various spices and has very good taste.

2.One Pan and water retainer: fill 4 cups of water in the pan.

Best Maggi


3. Onion  and tomato: take 2 onions and 2 tomatoes.

4. Ginger, garlic and green leafy onion: take one one each and green leafy one two for decoration at the end.

5. Mix vegies: take green peas, cabbage, capsicum, carrot, coriander and all the other which you like with your noodles

6. Salt and other spices: this could be black pepper, red chili powder and sauces of your choice.


                   How to make street style vegetable Maggi with taste


  • Put one spoon of oil in heated pan and add some cumin seeds
  • Then add ginger garlic paste in it.
  • Use finely chopped onion and heat it till it becomes slightly red
  • Use 3 to 4 green chili with cut in between then it will give good taste.


Street Maggi


  • Next add chopped tomato along with other vegetables
  • Add spices and then put some water
Tasty Maggi


  • Then put noodles inside the pan mix all the spices properly and left it for few minutes for cooking.


Street Style Maggi


  • When most of the things cooked then add finely chopped green leafy onion on top of it
  • Then enjoy by serving on plate with your family and friends.
  • Seve in the plate with love you will feel like eating one of the best noodle in the world
  • These type of dishes create best memories in your life which remain for life long.
Maggi Love


Other type of noodle making you can try:

  1. Cheese Maggi here you have to put slice of cheese in the noodles it is also tasty you try.
  2. You can also go for adding egg to make it more healthy
  3. May add cottage cheese (paneer) give you wholesome good taste.


Variations in food change whole taste of the food, we always new variations with our food and new changes help in maintaining our taste bud. Children of our family will like it we should always open for changes and it some time or most of it give us better memories with our friend and families.
Hope you will try this recipe and tell others to try the same. Enjoy eating your meal and stay tuned for more such recipes in near future.
Maggi was invented in 1860s but  today also it is very popular among the young, children and oldies as well. The quality of Maggi is increasing day by day. Many of the brands tried to copy that but they have not make at par with taste of Maggi. Though it is good product but one should take occasionally to avoid any health problems.

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