We know that we are students and we have to study for exams, have to complete assignments, projects prepare ppts and so on, irony is we lack motivation. But we forget we are also human being we could not always work like robot, instead of all the obstacles we have to focus towards our studies for that motivation comes into picture. Through this article I am going to provide such motivation through which not only you will focus on your studies, but also you will achieve success in your work, but for that you have to read whole of the article patiently. First thing first we need to ask questions to ourselves like why, how, what, then we could get answer easily.

Why you need to study and why you need motivation for that?

The answer automatically comes to your mind, I know the answer but, you should keep in your mind and analyze while studying this post. So everyone of us want to excel in our field and for thar we know we have to study but due some hinderances from internal as well from external we could not focus hence in order to come out of that situation we need motivation. So generally motivation are of two types one is from inner and other from taking inspiration outside both are required. Further I will give you some of the way to motivate you externally and then you can internalize these method to keep yourself internally motivated.



  • ORGANISATION: this means prepare yourself for systematic study for that one has to prepare proper schedule, planning from starting to end, the books, notes you want to use while studying should be available to you without any hustle. Others thing may include peaceful, comfortable room or place where you study it could be you house or library or college hostel or office library. If one has done this part the blueprint is prepared one has to implement on the ground.
  • TARGET SETTING: in this one has to set the daily target which should be ideal do not make number of goals but stick to few. These short term target will give you success and keeps you motivated to study more. For this one can make time table, use tools like google calneder, notes, sticky papers so and so forth. This step is also crucial because now you have a target and you have act accordingly to achieve that.
  • AVOID DISTRACTIONS: now you have good ambience and target to complete so please at this moment do not think other than your goal. I know your mind will not focus specially when you are studying for that you can use one trick e.g. you have to trick your mind by noting down on piece of paper and tell yourself you will do that in a minute. Other you can try by talking to your self and motivating that you will get back to it after completing this bit of task try it you will get good results.
  • REWARD SELF TIMELY: when you complete your target e.g. given exam or completed a book give a pat on your shoulder and say yes I have done it. And then you do activity of your choice for example sleep, paly video games, watch movie, talk to your friends etc. But in mean time avoid excess of these because you to do more than this.
  • NO TO DO THINGS: never compare yourself with others, if goals are missed then also try to complete that next day, never leave anything in between, never be stubborn to things, and never take things to heart be kind to yourself.
  • GROUP STUDY: though I do not recommend for long hours of group study but you can take you feel like not studying or have doubt in subject you can check out your friends and do study. But avoid too much as you will sooner or later end up in gossip only because I have personal experience of this.
  • KEEP MIND HEALTHY: for this you have to follow proper routine which should necessarily include exercise. You can join do gym, yoga, running, walking, Zumba or anything which helps your body physical strain. Also one should keep ones mental health good for this you can be in touch with your friends, family. This thing will also help in maintaining focus and keep you motivated for your studies.
  • TOOLS YOU CAN USE: colorful coding’s on your books, flowcharts, mappings, mnemonics, techniques like Pomodoro, Feynman. You can also take helps from software applications like Evernote, planner, reminder, clocks, geometrical tools etc.
  • INSPIRATION: you can take inspiration from the person who has doen that ealrier what you want to do he could be your senior, teacher, sister, any role model which help you to keep motivated to complete your study.
  • OTHERS THINGS: one should never get demotivated if you do not want to study then its okk there is more lot of thing which you can do. The world will not end if do not study but at the same time you want to excel in field of education or achieve something in that then you should give you cent percent. If you do that you will taste the success one or the other day.




1. The beautiful thing about education is that no one literally no one can take it from you.

2. Study is like your passport for tomorrow, you will get that if you are focusing today.

3. Education is like that pill you can use in any battlefield of your life.

4. Mind is not dumping yard but a ground for excellence.

5. Wake up, work hard, till the light of success not fall upon your forehead.

6. Never let distractions to stop you from playing the game.

7. There are no shortcuts for long term success.

8. Today’s hustle will give success of whistle tomorrow.

9. Learn, earn repeat.

10. Never give up because good things take time.



Motivation is important for everyone I have tried to motivate you through this blog. I hope you have got some sense of motivation from. You need to give yourself full authority because you are the king of your life and it is you who will shape you destiny so keep hustling. If you have liked the article you can follow this page for more such inspirational reading.



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